Monday, January 7, 2013

New Lincoln movie list

New movie list Lincoln

Steven Spielberg directs Daniel Day-Lewis in Lincoln, a revealing drama that focuses on the 16th President's tumultuous final months in office. In a nation divided by war and the strong winds of change, Lincoln pursues a course of action designed to end the war, unite the country and abolish slavery. With the moral courage and fierce determination to succeed, his choices during this critical moment will change the fate of generations to come. -- (C) Walt Disney PG-13
Release Date Lincoln Nov 16, 2012 Wide

Actors For Lincoln

Daniel Day-Lewis,Sally Field,David Strathairn,Joseph Gordon-Levitt,James Spader,Hal Holbrook,Tommy Lee Jones,John Hawkes,Jackie Earle Haley,Tim Blake Nelson,Bruce McGill,Joseph Cross,Jared Harris,Lee Pace,Peter McRobbie,Gulliver McGrath,Gloria Reuben,Jeremy Strong,Michael Stuhlbarg,Boris McGiver

Genres Lincoln : Drama

User Ranting Lincoln : 4.2
User Percentage For Lincoln : 87 %
User Count Like for Lincoln : 85,465
All Critics Ranting For Lincoln : 8.1
All Critics Count For Lincoln : 187
All Critics Percentage For Lincoln : 91 %

Review For Lincoln

It's the most remarkable movie Steven Spielberg has made in quite a spell, and one of the things that makes it remarkable is how it fulfills those expectations by simultaneously ignoring and transcending them.
Glenn Kenny-MSN Movies

Lincoln paints a powerful and compelling portrait of the man who has become an icon. We don't need to see more of his life to understand how rare a figure he was - this window is more than sufficient.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews

Lincoln offers proof of what magic can happen when an actor falls in love with his character. Because as great as Day-Lewis has been in his many parts, he has never seemed quite so smitten.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

The film masterfully captures the dual dilemmas facing the president in the final months of his life: how to bring the war between the states to an end, and how to eradicate slavery, once and for all.
Steven Rea-Philadelphia Inquirer

Lincoln is a stirring reminder that politics can be noble. Might there be a lesson here for today's shrill D.C. discourse? 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.
Chris Vognar-Dallas Morning News

Day-Lewis' voice is thin and reedy, which jibes with historical accounts but subverts our expectations. His attitude makes listeners lean in, and so do we, magnetized by his kindly reserve.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

Even as a historical figure considerably better known than any he's played before, there's no trace of impersonation in Lewis's performance.
Charlie Lyne-Ultra Culture

As one of this generations greatest actors, two time Oscar winner Day-Lewis is a shoo-in for a chance at a third trophy.
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes

As essential an entry in Spielberg's catalog as his most popular blockbusters and heralded epics.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

Spielberg undoubtedly is asking us to pay attention and learn something - there is no nodding off in this class - but even with all the talk of ratification, and envoys, and securing votes, Lincoln is an engaging, if not rousing film-going experience.

Lincoln is a performance masterclass. Spielberg humanises the icon and admires Lincoln the man - in the face of the challenges that defined him. It's a special effort in the capable hands of a legend.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

Lincoln is Spielberg's best film since 2005's Munich, and one of 2012's finest.
Bill Clark-FromTheBalcony

This is an almost religiously revered president portrayed as he's never been portrayed on screen before, a tale told with grace and sophistication. If only for this fact alone, Lincoln is a work deserving of praise.
Jason Gorber-Twitch

Especially in today's frustratingly gridlocked political environment, Lincoln is timelier than ever. It gives us hope that government can accomplish great things even as it drags itself through the muck and strain of corruption.

While Spielberg captures a time, Day-Lewis captures another brilliant performance, and some of the supporting actors may capture Oscar nominations, the film didn't capture my soul the way I was hoping.
Jeff Bayer-The Scorecard Review

The film presents Abraham Lincoln's deliberations as a function of his innate morality, as well as an emotional rightness.
Cynthia Fuchs-PopMatters

A fascinating history lesson taking place mostly in the backrooms of Washington.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

Good film, but 'Lincoln' is not a movie about Abraham Lincoln - it's about a man in an Abe costume posing as someone who had overwhelming love for African-Americans, when in reality that was far from the Lincoln documented in history.

It's a superior achievement for Kushner, and makes for one of the best of Spielberg's "serious" movies.
Perry Seibert-TV Guide's Movie Guide

A paternalistic Lincoln who freed the slaves? Bad movie and worse politics...

An Oscar-ready historical masterpiece that does double duty as a history lesson and as a reminder of the paralytic limitations of a house divided.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

Spielberg's Lincoln shows us that the nasty in-fighting of American party politics is not restricted to the modern era.

Lori Hoffman-Atlantic City Weekly

A talky, 150-minute affair but not without interesting modern-day ironies and parallels. One needs to take the one-sided history depicted with a grain of salt.
Fr. Chris Carpenter-Movie Dearest

If this exquisite, immersive, fully entertaining, dramatized account of real events can't get you excited about history... nothing will.
Bruce Bennett-Spectrum (St. George, Utah)

Day-Lewis' wise, rustic, gnarled Lincoln truly seems a creature from another age; remarkably, there's no vanity in the actor's somewhat hobbled gait or high, thin voice.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

There is directorial mastery here, and, even for those like me for whom the power of Lincoln is a percolating realization, one thing is certain: The performance by Daniel Day-Lewis is astonishing.
Jay Antani-Cinema Writer

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